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Modular Gas Processing Plants

Flarecatcher Modular Plant on a Well Pad in North Dakota
Flarecatcher systems cool processed gas to between -5C and -70C, depending upon the application.

Flarecatcher 5MMscfd - Gas Prep / Water Management Skid

Flarecatcher 5MMscfd - Molecular Sieve Dehydration Skid

Flarecatcher 5MMsfd - Refrigeration & NGL Stabilization Skid

Flarecatcher 1500-25
Pioneer Energy's modular, customized Flarecatcher™ gas processing plants can be a compelling solution at well pads and centralized processing facilities. Pioneer combines its proprietary industry leading water management, mechanical refrigeration and fractionation systems with 3rd party modules from trusted industry suppliers. These elements are then integrated into a cohesive gas plant solution.
Typical Flarecatcher implementations start with gas pre-conditioning. This can include the removal of contaminants (H2S, CO, N2), gas compression, and water management and/or removal. The preconditioned gas is then directed to Pioneer's mechanical refrigeration systems (MRU) to extract heavier hydrocarbons, known as Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs), from the gas. These MRUs are offered at a variety of processing temperatures (between -5C and -70C), selected based upon desired NGL recovery and lean gas quality requirements.
For domestic USA applications, the extracted NGLs are typically stabilized by the Flarecatcher system and then stored on site before being transported by truck, rail, or pipeline to market. For international applications, Pioneer can provide NGL fractionation systems to separate the mixed Y-grade liquids (C3+ components) into LPG (C3+C4) and stabilized condensate / light naptha (C5+). Internationally there most often is a ready local market for the produced LPG, and the stabilized condensate may be blended directly with the customer's produced crude oil. Any reject gas generated from the Flarecatcher plant is typically consumed in power generation or for heating to run the process.
With the liquids removed, the remaining gas has then been conditioned to meet customer requirments, up to as stringent as pipeline quality. Depending on the customer and particular project, this gas may be evacuated through a gas pipeline, used for on-site power generation, converted to CNG or LNG, or even provided for input to a gas to liquids (GTL) system. In many applications, the Flarecatcher plant can serve as a complete, modular midstream solution.
Flarecatcher plant modules are skid mounted to allow fast, low-cost deployment and redeployment which helps meet the often changing needs of oil producers. Standard processing packages are available at convenient scales.
A cornerstone of Pioneer Energy’s Flarecatcher units is a sophisticated control system, which enables largely autonomous operations. This removes or minimizes the need for on-site operators. The units may be monitored through a secure remote connection via local area network, cell phone network, or satellite. A remote staff member can monitor and control Flarecatcher systems from any convenient location worldwide. A local field crew can perform routine maintenance and be available to meet on-site needs as they arise. Pioneer will provide a plant manual with standard operating procedures (SOPs), will train the customer's personnel on plant operations and maintenance, and offers as a service a 2nd level of remote support for these Flarecatcher processing plants.
Pioneer Energy's Flarecatcher units are able to process a wide variety of incoming gas compositions and automatically accomodate changing flow rates (Pioneer Energy units often have infinite turn-down). Pioneer Energy’s team can assist in selecting the right processing unit(s) and supporting equipment to meet your project needs, based upon the flow rate and composition of gas to be processed, and the objectives of the particular customer. Pioneer can also conduct as a service Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and feasibility studies and help generate CAPEX and OPEX estimates oftened need for project financing.
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